Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bailouts and Other A-alphalies

The most important stories of the past weeks have been avoided by my laziness couched in buziness. Last week the fed, agreed to stem inflation by decreasing the interest rate they charge by only one quarter point. Wall Street whiners threw a major temper tantrum and the Fed some what reversed this decision. They did this by announcing they were going to auction off $40Billion this week to add liquidity to the market. Many more people believe this is a bailout than believe that the following story is a bailout.
The Executive Branch exercised its executive powers to freeze increases for adjustable rate mortgages of which people should not have agreed to in the first place. Poor lendees, are absolved of accumulated risk. Sound lendees are left feeling like their leader lost the coup. In short, it punishes people with good credit scores while bailing out the people who don't know the value of money. As usual has two good summaries of the bailouts.

Dealbreaker on TFA
Dealbreaker on whatever it is

Disclosure: My opinion is lied about by various special interest groups and other dishonest people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EL TB, the MSM is trying to cover up Ron Paul's big Boston Tea Party record-breaking fundraiser. Raising 53 bazillion dollars is pretty good, don’t you think?

How about a bailout for Ron Paul!